PL Polen

The regulation sets out how to sample hydrogen used in fuel cell (PEM) vehicles. Entities performing hydrogen sampling used for quality testing will have to comply with the draft regulation.

Regulation of the Minister for Climate and Environment on the method of hydrogen sampling by an accredited laboratory

The hydrogen sampling method defined in the draft has been drawn up based on best practice and available knowledge. The solutions set out in the draft regulation were defined on the basis of the “Development of guidelines for quality control of hydrogen and liquefied natural gas (LNG) used for the propulsion of motor vehicles” drawn up by the Oil and Gas Institute — National Research Institute. This document describes best practices for hydrogen sampling and provides recommendations. Based on the recommendations stemming from the development of the draft regulation, solutions based on ISO 19880-1:2020 and ISO 21087:2019 were included, which define the procedures for hydrogen sampling. The draft Regulation indicates that the procedure is to be carried out in accordance with the current level of knowledge and best practice, which allows for the use of the standards that are most cost-effective and based on the latest knowledge. This is important because hydrogen is a fuel whose technology of use is growing, and therefore there is a chance that other, more favourable sampling techniques for this fuel will emerge. Adopting the proposed regulation will make it possible to operate a fuel quality control and monitoring system in relation to hydrogen, which will translate into faster development of this fuel in Poland. The project will allow hydrogen manufacturers to act in accordance with the provisions of the Act, which will translate into greater safety in the use of hydrogen in vehicles powered by this fuel. The determination of the method of hydrogen sampling will also ensure that samples are taken in a way that is safe and minimises sample contamination, which will translate into reliable test results for this fuel.

Keywords: “hydrogen”, “hydrogen quality”, “sampling”, “alternative fuels”, “transport fuels”, “fuel cells”, “PEM”.