SE Schweden
  • N20E - Elektrizität

Electricity meters

The Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment’s Regulations on active electrical energy meters

Regulations on electricity meters are already in place today (STAFS 2016:4). These regulations transpose the Measuring Instruments Directive (2014/32/EU). The previous version of the Directive was transposed by STAFS 2006:7, which was later superseded by STAFS 2016:4.

The draft regulations make some changes to the existing provisions, including changes to the scope, so as to remove the 63 A limit and to make the mandatory requirements applicable to all category 1 and category 2 electricity meters. Furthermore, the requirements for electricity meters and the putting into service of electricity meters associated with the Act (2014:267) on energy metering in buildings, are being changed to also relate to premises.

The current regulation contains provisions on humidity and temperature conditions. These provisions were introduced in 2006, but have not previously been notified as technical rules. It should be pointed out that these rules fall within the constraints with which Member States must comply under the Measuring Instruments Directive. In view of the fact that the provisions fall under the scope of the Directive, the corresponding impact assessment is deemed to have been taken into account in the drafting of the Directive. In the draft, the requirements concerning temperature limits are being amended so as to cover only open locations and, for other locations, the electricity meter shall withstand the temperature conditions in which it is intended to be used.

As the draft regulations and the regulations currently in force are part of the transposition of an EU Directive (2014/32/EU), the provisions do not need to contain a mutual recognition clause.