BE Belgien
  • B00 - BAUWESEN

sampling and analysis methods for waste and other materials under the Materials Decree [Materialendecreet] and its implementing decrees and for soil under the Soil Decree [Bodemdecreet] and its implementing decrees

Draft Ministerial Decree adopting the Compendium for Sampling and Analysis

The Flemish regulations on waste, other materials and soil specify when sampling and analysis must be carried out. Recognised laboratories conduct the sampling and analysis of waste and other materials. Recognised laboratories must also perform soil analysis in the context of soil remediation and protection (Flemish Environmental Recognitions Regulation [VLAREL]).

These recognised laboratories must follow the methods set out in the Compendium for Sampling and Analysis [CMA], adopted by ministerial decree. The Word document provides the draft Ministerial Decree with the table of contents and all of the methods.