DK Dänemark

In line with a newly enacted Act, under which the Minister for the Environment may lay down rules to the effect that municipal councils may lay down municipal regulations on an obligation to replace or decommission certain combustion plants in certain geographical areas (Act No 575 of 10/05/2022), the authorisation is given in this Order.

This draft Order lays down new rules to the effect that the municipal council in session may adopt regulations on the replacement or decommissioning of wood burners and fireplace inserts for solid fuels less than 1 MW installed no later than 1 June 2008 in areas with district heating or natural gas for individual heating, including regulations on

Order on municipal regulations on the replacement or decommissioning of older wood burners and fireplace inserts in areas with district heating or natural gas for individual heating.

The Order is to implement the newly enacted Act, in which the Minister for the Environment may lay down rules to the effect that municipal councils may lay down municipal regulations on an obligation to replace or decommission certain combustion plants in certain geographical areas (Act No 575 of 10/05/2022).

The Order allows municipalities to ban older wood burners and fireplace inserts installed no later than 1 June 2008 in areas with district heating or natural gas.

The effects of the scheme depend, among other things, on how many municipalities choose to join the scheme, the distribution of district heating or natural gas in the individual municipality and the number of older wood burners and fireplace inserts in the municipality. It is estimated that 80 % of Danish homes are located in areas with district heating or natural gas, while approximately 55 % of the country’s wood burners and fireplace inserts which may be covered by the scheme are located in areas with district heating or natural gas.
In order to give affected owners of wood burners and fireplace inserts time to adapt to the new requirements, it is proposed that the initiative shall enter into force 12 months after a final municipal decision. This means not earlier than 1 January 2024. Affected owners can adapt to the requirements by either replacing the wood burner or fireplace insert installed no later than 1 June 2008 or by decommissioning the fireplace.