NL Niederlande
  • S20E - Abfälle

Processing of end-of-life vehicles

Decree of [date] amending the Decree on tyre management and the Decree on end-of-life vehicle management, and repealing the Decree on battery management 2008 in connection with the entry into force on 1 January 2023 of general rules on the extended producer responsibility scheme for tyres, end-of-life vehicles and batteries by virtue of the Decree on the extended producer responsibility scheme, and amending the Decree on packaging management 2014 (Collective Decree amending existing EPRSes)

Article II, Parts A, C and D, may contain technical regulations.

Article II, Part A, expands the meaning of the term ‘importer’ in Article 1(d) of the Decree on end-of-life vehicle management [Besluit beheer autowrakken]. The meaning of ‘importer’ is henceforth not only parties professionally importing a vehicle into the Netherlands for sale, within the meaning of the Decree on end-of-life vehicle management, but also persons importing a vehicle non-professionally (individuals), irrespective of whether they sell the imported vehicle or keep it for personal use. In line with this expansion of the term ‘importer’, Article II, Parts C and D, also amends Articles 8 and 9 of the Decree on end-of-life vehicle management. An individual importing a car is therefore responsible for processing the car once it reaches the
waste phase (as an end-of-life vehicle).
The text does not include a mutual recognition clause because the provisions in question cover importing into the Netherlands by individuals.