FR Frankreich
  • SERV60 - Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Internet

Professionals who are natural persons involved in prevention, diagnosis, care or medical or medico-social follow-up activities, or interventions necessary for the coordination of several of these activities, as well as all digital health service providers.

Draft Order on the electronic identification means known as ‘e-CPS’ and the teleservice known as ‘Pro Santé Connect’ made available to professionals who are natural persons working in the health, social and medico-social sectors for the electronic identification thereof to digital health services

The Draft Order has a twofold objective:

- Chapter 1: defines the main features of the non-physical electronic identification means (eID) made available by the public authorities to professionals who are natural persons, where those professionals wish to identify themselves electronically to digital health services. This eID is referred to as ‘e-CPS’;
- Chapter 2: defines the characteristics of the unified electronic identification means called ‘Pro Santé Connect’, which simplifies and secures the electronic identification of professionals to digital health services. The Order approves, as an annex, a reference framework detailing the functional and technical requirements to be met by digital health service providers implementing the Pro Santé Connect teleservice.
The Draft Order entrusts the Digital Health Agency (ANS) with the management of the eID ‘e-CPS’ and the unified eID teleservice ‘Pro Santé Connect’.