RO Rumänien

Agriculture, local breed, zootechnics, fishing

Government Decision approving the methodological norms implementing Law No 190/2020 on the voluntary use of the logo “100% local breed” for products of animal origin from Romania

This Government Decision approving the methodological norms for the implementation of Law No 190/2020 on the voluntary use of the “100% local breed” logo for products of animal origin in Romania approves the obtaining of the certificate for the use of the “100 % native breed” logo by members of animal breeders’ associations, which establish and maintain breeding books or livestock records recognised by ANZ. At the same time, it regulates the establishment of the Unique Register for Identification of Applicants following the attribution of their unique identification codes. Applicants of the “100% local breed” logo are the entities that run genealogical records or zootechnical records for the breeds included in the list of local breeds in Romania.

The draft decision is a national scheme open to all breeders in conservation breeds. The development of technical regulations aims to increase the competitiveness of agricultural economic operators by better integrating them into the agri-food chain through quality schemes, increasing the added value of agricultural products and promoting them on European markets and third countries’ markets.