LT Litauen
  • C50A - Lebensmittel

Dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption

Draft Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania amending the Order No. 3D-138 of the Minister of Agriculture of 14 March 2008 on the approval of the technical regulation for dehydrated preserved milk intended for human consumption (hereinafter referred to as the “Draft”).

The Draft revises the provisions of the technical regulation for dehydrated preserved milk intended for human consumption, which was approved by Order No. 3D-138 of the Minister of Agriculture of 14 March 2008.
This technical regulation was drawn up in accordance with the Council Directive 2001/114/EC of 20 December 2001 relating to certain partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption, and in accordance with the First Commission Directive 79/1067/EEC of 13 November 1979 and the First Commission Directive 87/524/EEC of 6 October 1987 laying down methods for the analysis of dehydrated preserved milk. This technical regulation has not been notified to the European Commission, as it has transposed the EC directives mentioned above.
During the review of this document, it was noted that this technical regulation not only transposes the provisions of the directives, but also contains additional provisions, which are not the product definitions and other provisions referred to in Directive 2001/114/EC, nor the provisions transposed from Directives 79/1067/EEC and 87/524/EEC. Thus, the technical regulation contains a number of provisions of a national nature, which are not derived from the above-mentioned directives; namely, the more detailed description of the raw material used for the production of the products, and the reference to the main methods of analysis in accordance with
international standards. It has therefore been decided to notify the EC of this legislation.
Before the technical regulation was notified to the EC, it was revised, clarified and recast, i.e. the Draft has been prepared. The Draft transposes the provisions of Directives 2001/114/EC, 79/1067/EEC and 87/524/EEC and clarifies a number of provisions of a national nature not derived from those directives.