FI Finnland

Tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, refill containers, nicotine-containing liquids, liquids other than nicotine-containing liquids intended for use in electronic cigarettes

Government proposal to Parliament on amending the Tobacco Act

The Tobacco Act would be amended to state that the retail packaging of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and refill containers should not differ in their labelling or other appearance from the retail packaging of other similar products. The amended Tobacco Act would also lay down requirements relating to the appearance of cigarettes, refill containers and nicotine-containing liquids. The ban on characterising fragrances and flavours would be extended to all tobacco products, and products intended to produce a fragrance or flavour characteristic of a tobacco product would be banned. The amended Tobacco Act would include a definition of heated tobacco products and the display of smoking equipment intended for their use would be prohibited. The regulations on importing would be amended to apply more uniformly to the various products referred to in the Tobacco Act. Manufacturers and importers of products covered by the Tobacco Act would be required to pay an annual supervisory fee based on sales volumes to the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). Revenues from the supervisory fees would be used to improve product supervision in particular.