FI Finnland
  • S20E - Abfälle

1) tyres of motor vehicles and other vehicles or equipment; the manufacturer, importer or retreader of such tyres, or the importer of a vehicle or equipment equipped with tyres, is regarded as the producer;

2) passenger cars, vans and other comparable vehicles; the manufacturer or importer of such a vehicle, or the party that imports vehicles into the country on behalf of domestic users, is regarded as the producer;
3) electrical and electronic equipment; manufacturers or importers of the equipment, or sellers that sell equipment under their own name or trademark, are regarded as producers; (6.6.2014/410)
4) batteries and accumulators, as well as batteries and accumulators included in electrical and electronic equipment, vehicles or other products; the party placing the battery or accumulator on the market is regarded as the producer;
5) newspapers, magazines, office paper and other similar paper products; manufacturers or importers of paper used for the manufacture of paper products, or importers of printed paper products, are regarded as producers;
6) packaging; packagers of products or importers of packaged products are regarded as producers (does not apply to a producer of packaging whose turnover is less than EUR 1,000,000).

Draft Government Bill amending the Waste Act and certain other acts

In the draft Government Bill, distance sellers established elsewhere than in Finland and other actors equivalent to a producer would be, via the amendments to § 46 and 48 of the Waste Act (646/2011), brought more clearly within the scope of application of producer responsibility and its concomitant obligations.

In addition, § 66 and 66b of the Waste Act would lay down provisions regarding the appointment of an authorised representative and the activities of the authorised representative. Under the proposed § 66, a distance seller established in another State could appoint an authorised representative, who is established in Finland, to be responsible for their obligations in Finland, or directly join an approved producers’ association. Another actor equivalent to a producer could appoint an authorised representative who is established in Finland to be responsible, instead of a producer who is established in Finland, for the former’s obligations; or, for a similar purpose, could make an agreement with an approved producers’ association. The appointment of an
authorised representative for a producer of electrical and electronic equipment would be mandatory. Under the proposed § 66b, the authorised representative would have to be appointed by written mandate. The appointed authorised representative would, in the case of products other than those sold via distance selling, have to notify the relevant producers regarding the authorisation that they were granted, and its amendment or cancellation. A producers’ association could, on request, act as the authorised representative.