SE Schweden
  • SERV30 - Medien

Video-sharing platforms, on-demand radio, TV, on-demand TV

Draft amendments to the Radio and Television Act (2010:696)

- A provider of a video-sharing platform shall not be allowed to provide commercial advertisements for alcoholic beverages or non-beverage alcoholic preparations that accompany user-generated videos or television programmes (Chapter 7, § 3(2) of the Alcohol Act).

- A provider of a video-sharing platform shall not be allowed to provide product placement of alcoholic beverages, non-beverage alcoholic preparations or other products originating from companies whose main activity is to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages (Chapter 9a, § 4(1) of the Radio and Television Act).

- A provider of a video-sharing platform shall not be allowed to provide sponsoring of user-generated videos or television programmes by anyone whose main activity is to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages or non-beverage alcoholic preparations (Chapter 9a, § 5 of the Radio and Television Act).

- A provider of a video-sharing platform shall not be allowed to interrupt user-generated videos or television programmes with advertisements if these videos or programmes are mainly directed at children under the age of twelve. The provider shall also not be allowed to provide advertisements immediately before or after such videos or television programmes or part of such videos or programmes (Chapter 9a, § 7 of the Radio and Television Act).

- Advertising provided by a provider of a video-sharing platform that accompanies user-generated videos or television programmes shall not be allowed to be aimed at attracting the attention of children under the age of twelve (Chapter 9a, § 8 of the Radio and Television Act).

- A provider of a video-sharing platform shall not be allowed to provide product placement in user-generated videos or television programmes that are primarily aimed at children under the age of twelve (Chapter 9a, § 4 of the Radio and Television Act).

- A provider of a video-sharing platform shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the provisions on audiovisual commercial communications relating to alcohol and directed at children under the age of twelve are complied with when these messages are not provided by the provider themselves (Chapter 9a, § 11 of the Radio and Television Act).

- Product placement of non-beverage alcoholic preparations shall not be allowed in programmes in television broadcasts or in on-demand television (Chapter 6, § 2(7) of the Radio and Television Act).

- Anyone who provides on-demand radio that is financed with a public service fee in accordance with the Act (2018:1893) on the financing of radio and television in the service of the public, is to comply with the provisions of the Radio and Television Act regarding notification for registration (Chapter 2, § 2), general requirements (Chapter 14, § 1), undue commercial benefit (Chapter 14, § 2) and sponsorship (Chapter 15, §§ 8–10).