ES Spanien
  • S20E - Abfälle

Once paper and cardboard waste leaves the facilities of a licensed waste manager, it may cease to be considered waste if it meets the provisions of this Ministerial Order and is intended for the specific use of paper and cardboard production in the paper industry.

Draft Ministerial Order laying down criteria determining when recovered paper and cardboard intended for paper and cardboard production ceases to be waste in accordance with Law 22/2011 of 28 July 2011 on waste and contaminated soils

This Ministerial Order applies throughout the territory of Spain and sets out criteria for determining when recovered paper and cardboard intended for paper and cardboard production cease to be waste in accordance with Law 22/2011 of 28 July 2011 and may be marketed as product. For this, the Order sets requirements on:

1) permissible waste types;

2) required treatment of this waste;

3) mandatory quality criteria for the material resulting from the recovery operation in line with the applicable product standards;

and finally, the necessary procedure to verify compliance with the end-of-waste criteria by means of management systems.