NL Niederlande
  • SERV10 - Elektronische Signatur

European approval of the amendment to the Order on the specifications and type approval of on-board computers for taxis, switching from one to two methods. Both methods are provided with/by the European Standard.

European approval of the amendment to the Order on the specifications and type approval of on-board computers for taxis

The chip on the BCT [Board Computer Taxi] cards must be based on the international standard and the Order on the specifications and type approval of on-board computers for taxis [Regeling specificaties en typegoedkeuring BCT]. Practical testing by BCT manufacturers uncovered one critical issue where the chip deviates from the Order on the specifications and type approval of on-board computers for taxis. The European Standard offers two methods to apply an electronic signature, which for the sake of simplicity we call A and B. The specification Order prescribes method A. The chip on the cards that are currently in use supports method A. The new chip should support both methods A and B. The notification requests approval for this.