FR Frankreich

Digital safe operator

Digital housing logbook operator

Order on the digital housing information, monitoring and maintenance logbook

The Decree specifies the scope of application, the definition and the procedures for managing and consulting the information contained in the digital logbook. It indicates the access procedures aimed at ensuring an effective information flow between owners, tenants and co-ownership syndicates. It sets the requirement for operators with a digital logbook technical solution to declare it to the ministry responsible for construction and housing.

The Decree refers to an order that will specify the documents to be held there and the particular provisions that will apply.

Presentation of the Order

Articles 1 to 3 list the minimum documents to be kept in the digital logbook.

Article 4 specifies that the digital logbook must include a descriptive sheet that can be understood by the property owners. In order to harmonise the understandable content and facilitate interoperability, certain templates will be published on the ministry website.

Article 5 specifies the procedures specific to operators of online digital logbook service solutions.

Article 6 defines the content of the annual statement provided by the operators.

Articles 7 to 11 indicate the requirements for the following documents to be sent by their authors to the digital logbook:

• Article 7: the thermal study certification and the compulsory standardised thermal study summary [Récapitulatif Standardisé d'Étude Thermique – RSET] file for new buildings;

• Article 8: the technical inspection for lifts, compulsory every five years;

• Article 9: the maintenance report for automatic garage doors;

• Article 10: the inspection report for non-communal sanitation installations;

• Article 11: the energy audit summary report

Article 12 provides that these provisions will apply from 1 January 2020 onwards.