PY Paraguay
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Reglamento Técnico MERCOSUR de Identidad y Calidad de Leche (Derogación de RES GMC N° 82/93 y 138/96) (MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on the identity and quality of milk (Repeal of Common Market Group Resolutions Nos 82/93 and 138/96))

Proyecto de Resolución N° 04/17 del GMC sobre Reglamento Técnico MERCOSUR de Identidad y Calidad de Leche (Derogación de la RES GMC N° 82/93 y 138/96) (Draft Common Market Group Resolution No. 04/17 on the MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on the identity and quality of milk (Repeal of Common Market Group Resolutions Nos 82/93 and 138/96))

The purpose of the draft MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on the identity and quality of powdered milk is to establish the identity and minimum quality requirements for powered milk and instant powdered milk for human consumption. It does not cover powdered milk used in infant and pharmaceutical formula.