PY Paraguay
  • 55 - Emballage et distribution des marchandises
Net contents of pre-packaged products (abrogation of Common Market Group Resolution No. 31/07)

Proyecto de Resolución Nº 05/17 del GMC. Reglamento Técnico MERCOSUR sobre Contenidos Netos de Productos Preenvasados (Derogación de la Res. GMC Nº 31/07) (Draft Common Market Group Resolution No. 05/17 approving the MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on the net contents of pre-packaged products (abrogation of Common Market Group Resolution No. 31/07)) (3 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Common Market Group Resolution No. 05/17 approves the MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on the net contents of pre-packaged products and repeals Common Market Group Resolution No. 31/07. The MERCOSUR Technical Regulation provides that the following products are no longer subject to quantitative standards: frozen fish fillets, dentifrices, bars of household soap and solid bleaching agents.