ID Indonésie
  • 16 - Préparations de viande, de poissons ou de crustacés, de mollusques ou d'autres invertébrés aquatiques

Fishery Products: Tuna, Sardines and Mackerel HS 1604.14.10.00, HS. 1604.12.10.00, 1604.13.10.00, 1604.15.10.00

Regulation of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fishery No. 58/PERMEN-KP/2016 regarding Mandatory Implementation of SNI Tuna in Cans (SNI 8223:2016) and SNI Sardines and Mackerel in Cans (SNI 8222:2016) (9 pages, in Indonesian)

This draft regulation stated that all of Tuna, Sardines and Mackerel produced in cans within the country or imported, distributed and marketed in the country shall fulfil the SNI requirements. The producers which produced these products therefore shall comply with those requirements proven by having Product Certificate for Using SNI Mark.

The product certificate on SNI marking shall be issued by a Product Certification Body which has been accredited by KAN and appointed by the DG through testing of the conformity of the products quality against SNI requirements.

Products which are distributed in domestic market that originated domestically and imported shall meet the requirements consisted in SNI 8223:2016 Tuna in Cans and SNI 8222:2016 Sardines and Mackerel in Cans which specifies term and definition, quality requirements, sampling, testing method, testing acceptance and packaging.