DO République Dominicaine
  • 65 - Agriculture
Plants and plant products
Anteproyecto de Ley de Protección Fitosanitaria (Preliminary draft plant protection law)

The notified draft Law seeks to establish basic rules for plant protection in the Dominican Republic, with a view to preventing and controlling pests, protecting plant resources, facilitating domestic and international trade in plants and plant products and ensuring the proper introduction, use and handling of crop protection products (CPPs) . The provisions of this Law govern matters of public policy and social interest.

The following Articles have been amended in the first revision of the Law:

•  2 (paragraph "e");

•  4 (insertion of paragraph "o" and amendment to paragraph "w");

•  5 (insertion of paragraph "i" and amendment to paragraph "b");

•  13, 15;

•  19;

•  24 (insertion of paragraphs "s", "t", "u", and "v");

•  25, 29;

•  31 (paragraphs "a" and "b");

•  38;

•  39 (paragraphs "c" and "j");

•  55, 61, 69, 72;

•  77, 79, 80, 81 (previously 79, 81, 82 and 83, respectively);

•  Insertion of second and third transitional provisions;

•  Amendment to third final provision.

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