CL Chili
  • 04 - Lait et produits de la laiterie; oeufs d'oiseaux; miel naturel; produits comestibles d'origine animale, non dénommés ni compris ailleurs

Various milk-related foods

Modificación de los Artículos 198, 203, 206, 207 y 235 del Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, Decreto Supremo N° 977/96 del Ministerio de Salud

(Amendment to Articles 198, 203, 206, 207 and 235 of the Food Health Regulations, Supreme Decree No. 977/96 of the Ministry of Health)

The Articles concerned have been amended to take into account technological developments; to give greater consistency to requirements in relation to the risk Chile is seeking to prevent; to bring criteria into line with regulations not applied for the importation of milk products into Chile; and to eliminate generic concepts and requirements not associated with suitability for human consumption.