CH Suisse

Refrigerators; washing machines; tumble driers; dishwashers; ovens; range hoods; vacuum cleaners; household lamps; fluorescent lamps; directional lamps, light emitting diode lamps and related equipment; televisions; air conditioners and comfort fans; professional refrigerated storage cabinets, blast cabinets, condensing units and process chillers; water heaters; space heaters and combination heaters; ventilation units; standby and off mode of electrical and electronic household and office equipment; set-top-boxes; external power supplies; computers; motors; glandless circulators; ventilators; water pumps, transformers; coffee machines; cars

Draft of the „Verordnung über die Anforderungen an serienmässig hergestellter Anlagen, Fahrzeuge und Geräte“ (Energieeffizienzverordnung, EnEV), Articles 1-17 and Annexes 1.1-1.18, 2.1-2.10, 3.1-3.2, 4; 79 pages; available in German, French and Italian.

This ordinance contains all requirements related to the energy efficiency of mass-produced appliances, installations and cars. It aims at reducing the current energy consumption of the above-listed products (point 6). The requirements contained in this new ordinance were previously included in the “Energieverordnung” (EnV), whose content is now split across several regulations.