IT Italie

Organic products and food produced in accordance with the rules established in Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and in Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 and used for mass school catering services that can be classified as ‘organic school canteens’.

Draft Decree of the Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies in cooperation with the Minister for Education, Universities and Research and with the Minister for Health to define the requirements, including the minimum percentages of organic products and the technical specifications necessary for the school catering service to be classified as an organic canteen in accordance with current European legislation

The decree consists of four articles and two annexes.

Article 1 indicates the purpose and scope of the decree: promoting the consumption of organic products, specifying the requirements for a canteen to be classified as organic, and the award criteria to be included in the tender documentation for the service provision.

Article 2 contains the definitions used for the application of the decree.

Article 3 stipulates that a list of contracting authorities and of organic canteen service providers be created, lays down the conditions to be met in order to be entered on the list, and provides that the Ministry shall establish one or more collective marks for identifying the organic school canteen depending on the percentage of organic products used and define the respective monitoring plans.

Article 4 establishes the entry into force of the decree as the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic and details the conditions under which contracting authorities that have already issued a call for tender may be included in the list referred to in Article 3.

Annex 1 sets out the required minimum percentages of organic products and technical requirements and specifications for the organic school canteen.

Annex 2 is the registration form for contracting authorities that award organic school canteen services.