HR Croatie
  • I10 - Métrologie

Devices that determine the opacity of exhaust gases from compression engines with auto ignition (smoke meters - opacity meters)

Draft proposal of the rules on the metrological and technical requirements referring to smoke meters - opacity meters

The draft proposal of the rules on the metrological and technical requirements referring to smoke meters - opacity meters lays down metrological and technical requirements for devices that determine the opacity of exhaust gases from compression engines with auto ignition.

Opacity meters are devices that determine the opacity of exhaust gases from compression ignition road vehicles, i.e. those that measure the decrease of intensity of light that passes through the dispersed soot in exhaust gases from diesel engines.

Annexes to the proposal of the rules lay down:

- metrological requirements

- technical requirements

- maximum permissible errors

- initial, periodic and non-periodic certification

- marking

- functionality checks

Requirements that apply to opacity meters are based on European standard EN 11614:1999, and take OIML R 99-1 & 2:2008 into account.