TW Taiwan
  • 71 - Chemical technology
Toxic chemical substances
Amendment of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (TCSCA) (Draft) (18 page(s), in English; 40 page(s), in Chinese)

In order to keep track of information on chemical substances, the Environmental Protection Administration proposes to adopt the European Union's Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) system and to require enterprises manufacturing or importing chemical substances of more than certain amounts to register those substances in accordance with a pre-set timetable and provide safety information, which will be used as a basis for screening, assessment, and management of toxic chemical substances.

With a view to better managing chemical substances from the source, and in reference to the management spirit of the United Nation's Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), this proposed revision provides for the establishment of the "National Board of Chemical Substance Management," which will coordinate the jurisdictions of relevant industry competent authorities' and laws to fill the gaps in connection to the management of chemical substances. Apart from maintaining the management clauses addressing Class 1 through 4 toxic chemical substances, this proposed revision adds the category of "chemical substances of very concern" (the central competent authority is authorized to announce such substances in separate assessments afterwards), which will facilitate expansion of the number of controlled substances and implementation of classified management, enabling monitoring of the flow of relevant substances and strengthening competent authorities' investigative authority.