PE Peru
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 67 - Food technology

- Ruminants and live swine and semen or embryos of these and other species susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD);

- Fresh, chilled or frozen meat, raw entrails and offal, untanned hides and skins and unwashed or greasy wool of the above-mentioned species;

- Fodder and hay;

- Milk and milk products; and - Other risk products of these species capable of transmitting or carrying the FMD virus.

Resolución Directoral N° 0018-2018-MINAGRI-SENASA-DSA (Directorial Resolution No. 0018-2018-MINAGRI-SENASA-DSA)

The notified text provides for the suspension of the importation of the following species and products of animal origin from Colombia, for a period of 365 calendar days:

- Ruminants and live swine and semen or embryos of these and other species susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD);

- Fresh, chilled or frozen meat, raw entrails and offal, untanned hides and skins and unwashed or greasy wool of the above-mentioned species;

- Fodder and hay;

- Milk and milk products; and - Other risk products of these species capable of transmitting or carrying the FMD virus.