MX Mexico
  • 01 - Live animals


Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-148-SCFI-2017, Prácticas comerciales-Comercialización de animales de compañía y prestación de servicios para su cuidado, adiestramiento y entrenamiento (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-148-SCFI-2017, Commercial practices - Marketing of pets and provision of pet care and training services) (cancels Mexican Official Standard NOM-148-SCFI-2008) (7 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard is generally applicable throughout national territory and is binding on persons engaged in the marketing of pets and the provision of pet care and training services, and who have establishments that are open to the public, in accordance with the purpose of this draft Mexican Official Standard. It does not apply to the provision of professional veterinary medicine services or to animals that are not pets.