KR South Korea
  • 11 - Health care technology
Herbal Medicine & Herbal Medicine Preparations
Proposed amendments to "The Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia" (37 page(s), in Korean)

This proposed revision sets to

•  Improve the origin or description of 11 products (Liquidambaris Fructus, etc );

•  Establish the content standards and assay for Agastachis Herba;

•  Establish or improve the identification tests of 15 products (Castaneae Semen, etc) .

•  Improve the standards of Loss on drying of 6 products (Euphorbiae Kansui Radix, etc) and of Ash for 2 products (Dianthi Herba, etc) .

•  Delete 9 products (Myrtol, etc) .

•  Modify the number, etc of the attached table No. on Purity or Assay for 4 products (Ginseng Radix Palva, etc) .