FR France
  • 65 - Agriculture

Basic mineral and organic soil conditioners - fertilizers

Arrêté modifiant l'arrêté du 5 septembre 2003 portant mise en application obligatoire de normes (Order amending the Order of 5 September 2003 establishing the mandatory implementation of standards) The Order consists of 4 pages, and the two standards comprise 42 and 19 pages (71 in total).

The notified Order provides for the mandatory implementation of two standards: This measure constitutes an exemption from the marketing authorization referred to in Article L255-2 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code, and set out in Article L 255-5.

Standard NF U 44-001 - Basic mineral soil conditioners - Designations and specifications, sets out the designations, specifications and marking of basic mineral soil conditioners. It is compliant with the regulatory framework laid down by the regulations in force. It is aimed particularly at producers, users and official inspection bodies. This standard replaces the 2009 standard. The amendments include: an update to Annex C (trace element content of basic mineral soil conditioners found through analyses conducted during the period 2001-2010); the introduction of the option to declare the calcium and magnesium content in their elemental forms Ca and Mg; the amendment of the definition of neutralising value and introduction of the option to declare the neutralising value in its HO equivalent; and the introduction of a maximum of 5% organic matter in specifications for all basic mineral soil conditioners, with a combustion method at 450 °C (15% for sugar lime). Standard NF U 44-295 - Organic soil conditioner - Fertilisers - Compost containing matter of agronomic interest derived from water treatment with a P2O5 content greater than or equal to 3%. This standard reproduces the requirements which have been in force since 2014 under standard NF U 44-095, which deals with compost containing matter of agronomic interest derived from water treatment but in which N < 3% on crude product, P2O5 < 3% on crude product, K2O < 3% on crude product and (N + P2O5 + K2O) < 7% on crude product.