CO Colombia
  • 65 - Agriculture

Veterinary drugs and animal feed.

Proyecto de Resolución del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICA "Por medio de la cual se prohíbe la importación, fabricación, registro, comercialización y uso de medicamentos veterinarios como productos terminados y aditivos empleados en la elaboración de alimentos para animales, que en su composición garantizada declaren contener como ingrediente el arsénico o compuestos arsenicales" (Draft Resolution of the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) "Prohibiting the importation, manufacturing, registration, marketing and use of veterinary drugs as finished products and animal feed additives, the guaranteed composition of which includes arsenic and arsenic compounds".)

The notified text establishes a prohibition on arsenic and arsenic compounds in animal feeds and veterinary drugs. Its articles refer to its objective and to reformulation, the time-limit for clearance of existing stocks, penalties, and the period of validity.