CO Colombia
  • 72 - Iron and steel
Low-alloy corrugated bars and rods (7213.10.00.00 and 7214.20.00.00)

Proyecto de Resolución del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo "Por la cual se expide el Reglamento Técnico aplicable a barras corrugadas de baja aleación para refuerzo de concreto en construcciones sismo resistentes que se fabriquen, importen o comercialicen en Colombia" 

(Draft Resolution of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism "Issuing the Technical Regulation applicable to low-alloy corrugated bars and rods for concrete reinforcement in earthquake-resistant buildings, which are manufactured in, imported into or marketed in Colombia") (14 pages, in Spanish)

Purpose; Scope; Exceptions; Definitions and acronyms; Requirements; Minimum marking requirements; Specific technical requirements, relevant paragraph numbers and tests applicable; Designation number of low-alloy corrugated bars and rods and coil, nominal weight (mass), nominal dimensions and corrugation requirements; Testing and retesting; Welding of bars and rods; Sampling; Reference to Colombian Technical Standards (NTC); Conformity assessment procedure; Document demonstrating conformity; Fundamental elements of product certification; Equivalents; Monitoring and inspection bodies; Monitoring and inspection powers; Prohibition; Liability of producers and importers; Information in respect of certification and inspection bodies and accredited laboratories; Competence of other government bodies; Producer and importer registration; Review and updating; Notification; and Period of validity and derogations.