DE Germany
  • I10 - Metrology

Devices used for checks via electronic vehicle interfaces as universal measurement devices and of recording brake measurement devices as part of the respective main inspection (§ 29 of the Road Traffic Licensing Ordinance [Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung, StVZO]).

Guideline for testing devices used for system data checks and/or checks via the electronic vehicle interface pursuant to § 29 in conjunction with Annex VIIIa to the Road Traffic Licensing Ordinance as universal measurement devices and of recording brake measurement devices pursuant to subparagraph 5 of Annex VIIId to the Road Traffic Licensing Ordinance

The provision of inspection bodies with the measurement and testing devices to be used for the inspections and checks required pursuant to Article 29 in conjunction with Annex VIII StVZO is governed by the provisions of Annex VIIId StVZO.

The following guideline shall ensure that the decelerometers are in working order and are periodically calibrated.