CZ Czech Republic
  • S30E - Pollution

Stationary sources of air pollution


Draft Implementing Decree amending Implementing Decree No 415/2012 on permissible pollution levels and the detection thereof and on the implementation of certain other provisions of the Air Protection Act, as amended

The draft amends Implementing Decree No 415/2012 on permissible pollution levels and the detection thereof and on the implementation of certain other provisions of the Air Protection Act, as amended.

This Implementing Decree lays down:

1) emission limit values and technical operating conditions for selected stationary sources of air pollution,

2) the means, frequency and methods for detecting air pollution and certain areas related to this,

3) requirements for products and substances containing organic solvents,

4) requirements for the quality of fuels for stationary sources of air pollution,

5) the content of selected mandatory documents (operating records, summary operating records, operating rules, expert opinions, dispersion studies, single measurement protocols).

Keywords: Stationary sources of air pollution, Fuels