FR France
  • T10T - Air transport
Unmanned civilian aircraft (drones)

Decree on the weight thresholds stipulated by Law No 2016-1428 of 24 October 2016 on improving safety measures when using civilian drones

Due to the increase in the number of unlawful flights over sensitive French sites by drones since autumn 2014, two members of the French Parliament tabled a draft law in spring 2016 on improving safety measures when using civilian drones. In particular, this draft followed the Government report to Parliament entitled ‘The rise in civilian aerial drones in France: challenges and possible responses from the State’, published in October 2015.

The law was finally adopted by the French Parliament and enacted on 24 October 2016 (Law No 2016-1428).

This law added Articles L6111-1, L6214-2, L6214-4 and L6214-5 to the Transport Code, requiring owners or pilots of unmanned aircraft that travel over French territory and are of a weight equal to or greater than a threshold set by this Decree (which may not exceed 800 g) to register their aircraft, equip it with an audible warning and capacity limitation device, and take theoretical training.