UA Ukraine
  • 06 - Lebende Pflanzen und Waren des Blumenhandels
  • 07 - Gemüse, Pflanzen, Wurzeln und Knollen
  • 08 - Geniessbare Früchte; Schalen von Zitrusfrüchten oder von Melonen
  • 09 - Kaffee, Tee, Mate und Gewürze
  • 12 - Ölsaaten und ölhaltige Früchte; verschiedene Samen und Früchte; Pflanzen zum Gewerbe- oder Heilgebrauch; Stroh und Futter
  • 14 - Flechtstoffe und andere Waren pflanzlichen Ursprungs, anderweit weder genannt noch inbegriffen
  • 17 - Zucker und Zuckerwaren
  • 18 - Kakao und Zubereitungen aus Kakao
  • 20 - Zubereitungen von Gemüse, Früchten oder anderen Pflanzenteilen
  • 24 - Tabak und verarbeitete Tabakersatzstoffe
  • 44 - Holz, Holzkohle und Holzwaren
  • 51 - Wolle, feine oder grobe Tierhaare; Garne und Gewebe aus Rosshaar
  • 52 - Baumwolle

HS Codes: 06, 07, 08, 09, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 44, 51, 52

The Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain
Legislative Acts of Ukraine regarding the procedure for phytosanitary examination and
bringing laws in accordance with international phytosanitary standards".

The Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of
Ukraine regarding the procedure for phytosanitary examination and
bringing laws in accordance with international phytosanitary standards"

-   harmonization of the law terminology with the authentic texts of international documents in the field of phytosanitary control, ensuring understanding and transparency of the national legislation implementation;

-   improving the review procedure during sampling the regulated objects;

-   admission of non-governmental, appropriately accredited and authorized under the legislation laboratories prior to the phytosanitary expertise in the field of plant quarantine, including inspection;

-   regulation of the Law requirements for primary and secondary (arbitration) phytosanitary examinations;

-   establishment validity of phytosanitary certificate - 14 days into the territory of Ukraine;

-   conformity phytosanitary condition of regulated objects with the requirements of the importing country in the order agreed between the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection and services importing countries, according to international treaties of Ukraine;

-   reducing of corruption in the phytosanitary control and increasing the quality of phytosanitary examination;

-   issuing a phytosanitary certificate on export and re-export exclusively in accordance with the phytosanitary requirements of the importing country.