MX Mexiko
  • 75 - Erdöl u. zugehörige Technologien

Onshore storage facilities for petroleum products and petroleum

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-006-ASEA-2017, Especificaciones y criterios técnicos de seguridad industrial, seguridad operativa y protección al medio ambiente para el diseño, construcción, pre-arranque, operación, mantenimiento, cierre y desmantelamiento de las instalaciones terrestres de almacenamiento de petrolíferos y petróleo, excepto para gas licuado de petróleo (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-006-ASEA-2017: Industrial safety, operational safety and environmental protection specifications and technical criteria for the design, construction, pre-start up, operation, maintenance, closure and dismantling of onshore storage facilities for petroleum products and petroleum, other than those used for liquefied petroleum gas) (96 pages, in Spanish)

The notified text is applicable throughout national territory and in areas under Mexican sovereignty and jurisdiction, and is binding on persons engaged in the design, construction, pre-start up, operation, maintenance, closure and dismantling of onshore storage facilities, which must have areas for the reception, storage and delivery of petroleum products (other than liquefied petroleum gas) and petroleum, and additives, oxygenates and biofuels used in gasoline blending or preparation processes. It applies to the following:

a) Onshore storage facilities for petroleum products (other than liquefied petroleum gas) that are used in transfer operations and have a total storage capacity of 50 m3 (314.5 barrels) or more in horizontal and/or vertical underground and/or above-ground tanks;

b) Onshore storage facilities for petroleum that are used in transfer operations and have a total storage capacity of 480 m3 (3,019 barrels) or more in vertical or horizontal above-ground tanks, underground tanks or confined above-ground tanks with secondary containment;

c) Additives, oxygenates and biofuels stored in onshore storage facilities for petroleum products (other than liquefied petroleum gas) and petroleum that are used in gasoline blending or preparation processes, described in Appendix B of the Standard;

d) Criteria for the integration of vapour recovery systems in phase 0, described in Appendix A of the Standard, and;

e) The following aspects and operations of reception and delivery areas located in onshore storage facilities for petroleum products (other than liquefied petroleum gas), petroleum and additives, oxygenates and biofuels used in gasoline blending and preparation processes:

1) The point where the onshore storage facility connects to a pipeline transport system or an onshore facility receiving or delivering via tanker-ship;

2) Unloading from tanker-truck to storage tank;

3) Unloading from tanker-car to storage tank;

4) Loading of tanker-truck from storage tank;

5) Loading of tanker-car from storage tank; 6) Transfer from tank to tank.