MG Madagaskar
  • 01 - Lebende Tiere
  • 03 - Fische, Krebstiere, Weichtiere und andere wirbellose Wassertiere
  • 16 - Zubereitungen von Fleisch, Fischen, Krebstieren, Weichtieren oder anderen wirbellosen Wassertieren
  • 23 - Rückstände und Abfälle der Nahrungsmittelindustrie; zubereitete Tierfutter

•  HS code 01: Pet animals;

•  HS code 03: Fishery and aquaculture products;

•  HS code 16: Preparations of meat and fish treated at a temperature exceeding 70°C;

•  HS code 23: Prepared animal fodder treated at a temperature exceeding 70°C.

Note de Service portant sur l'allégement des mesures de prévention contre l'introduction de la Fièvre aphteuse à Madagascar (Memorandum on the easing of measures to prevent foot-and-mouth disease from entering Madagascar)

The notified Memorandum contains a list of the products and foodstuffs of animal origin that are now permitted to enter Madagascar from Mauritius, whether originating in that country or having passed through it in transit.