JP Japan
  • 07 - Gemüse, Pflanzen, Wurzeln und Knollen
  • 10 - Getreide
  • 12 - Ölsaaten und ölhaltige Früchte; verschiedene Samen und Früchte; Pflanzen zum Gewerbe- oder Heilgebrauch; Stroh und Futter

•  Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers (HS Codes: 07.09 and 07.10)

•  Cereals (HS Code: 10.05)

•  Oleaginous fruits, miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruits (HS Code: 12.01)

Revision of the Standards and Specifications for Foods and Food Additives under the Food Sanitation Act (revision of agricultural chemical residue standards)

Proposed maximum residue limits (MRLs) for the following agricultural chemical:

Pesticide: Fluthiacet-methyl.