ES Spanien
  • 11 - Müllereierzeugnisse; Malz; Stärke; Inulin; Kleber von Weizen

Flour, meal and other milled cereal products. Includes: 11.01.00. Wheat or meslin flour; 11.02. Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin; 11.03.11. Groats and meal of wheat; 11.03.13. Groats and meal of maize (corn); 11.03.19. Groats and meal of other cereals; 11.04.30. Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground.

Proyecto de Real Decreto por el que se aprueba la norma de calidad para las harinas, las sémolas y otros productos de la molienda de los cereales 

(Draft Royal Decree approving the quality standard for flour, meal and other milled cereal products) (9 pages, in Spanish)

The draft text updates the technical and sanitary regulation for the production, distribution and trading of wheat flour, wheat meal and other milled wheat products for human consumption, contained in Royal Decree 1286/1984 of 23 May 1984. It establishes the quality standard for flour, meal and other milled cereal products produced and marketed in Spain, without prejudice to the mutual recognition clause. One of the main changes occasioned by the draft Decree is the extension of the scope of the previous technical and sanitary regulation, which covered only wheat flour and milled wheat products. The new quality standard covers flour, meal and milled products made from all types of cereals, and includes new names and definitions that take into account new industrial treatments and new intended uses for such products. Under flour, definitions are provided for extra-fine low-extraction wheat flour and brown wheat flour, flour with bran, mixed flours and multi-grain flours, treated flour (including malted cereal flour, dextrinized flour, micronized flour, and heat-treated flour) and prepared flour. Fine meal, wholemeal and meal with bran are covered under meal. The text also includes new milled cereal products, such as groats. Furthermore, it amends various requirements for finished products, on the one hand because they are no longer considered to be quality parameters, and on the other hand to simplify and adapt them to the requirements in force in other European Union countries, so as to enable such products to be marketed competitively on the European Single Market.