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  • 90 - Optische, fotografische oder kinematografische Instrumente, Apparate und Geräte; Mess-, Prüf- oder Präzisionsinstrumente, -apparate und -geräte; medizinische und chirurgische Instrumente, Apparate und Geräte; Teile und Zubehör für diese
Breathalysers ( and

Proyecto de Resolución de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio "Por la cual se adiciona el Capítulo Noveno en el Título VI de la Circular Única y se reglamenta el control metrológico aplicable a alcoholímetros, etilómetros o alcohosensores evidenciales" (Draft Resolution of the Supervisory Authority for Industry and Trade "Adding an ninth chapter to Title VI of the Single Circular, and regulating the metrological control of evidential breathalysers") (55 pages, in Spanish)

The notified text establishes the technical and metrological requirements to be met by evidential breathalysers used in expert assessments and judicial or administrative activities that determine the concentration of alcohol in the blood by measuring the amount of alcohol in exhaled air.

The text covers the following: Purpose; Scope; Definitions; Technical and metrological requirements; Breathalyser labelling; Instructions for use; Electronic seals; Tests and trials; Documents demonstrating conformity; Prohibition on the marketing and use of breathalysers; Inspection, monitoring and control authority; Metrological control phase for breathalysers already in use; Successful metrological verification; Failed metrological verification; Security seals; Obligations of owners of breathalysers already in use; Transitional provisions concerning the metrological control of breathalysers already in use; Penalties; Transitional regime; and Period of validity.

Annex No. 1 contains a model declaration of conformity for evidential breathalysers.