FI Finnland
  • T00T - VERKEHR

Off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, motor sleds

Government bill to Parliament amending §§ 16 and 64 of the Vehicles Act and other related acts / Utility snowmobiles

The purpose of the bill is to allow snowmobiles larger than those currently permitted to be used on snowmobile routes suited to that purpose and separately indicated as such.

The definition of the snowmobile under the Vehicles Act would be amended to include the utility snowmobile, which comprises certain larger off-road vehicles currently considered motor sleds. It would then be possible under the Act on Off-Road Transport to drive a utility snowmobile on snowmobile routes suited to that purpose. In addition, the bill would clarify the definition of a power-driven vehicle to be consistent with the definition under the Vehicles Act. According to the bill, the utility snowmobile would be included under the class T driving licence. The provisions of the Road Traffic Act regarding the use of an off-road vehicle would be amended by taking the use of utility snowmobiles into consideration.