SK Slowakei
  • I10 - Messwesen

Units of measurement, consumer packaging, bottles as measuring containers, checking the actual content of consumer packaging, checking the actual volume of bottles used as measuring containers

Draft implementing decree of the Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing on consumer packaging, bottles used as measuring containers, requirements for checking the quantity of products in consumer packaging and requirements for checking the actual volume of bottles used as measuring containers

The draft implementing decree of the Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing on consumer packaging, bottles used as measuring containers, requirements for checking the quantity of products in consumer packaging and requirements for checking the actual volume of bottles used as measuring containers (hereinafter the ‘draft implementing decree’) lays down the requirements for checking the quantity of products in consumer packaging and the actual volume of bottles used as measuring containers, the requirements for certain products in consumer packaging, the requirements for bottles used as measuring containers, the permissible negative error for marked and unmarked consumer packaging, the reference statistical method for checking the actual content of consumer packaging and the actual volume of bottles used as measuring containers, as well as the ranges of nominal quantities for certain products in consumer packaging.