CH Schweiz
  • CA0A - GVO

Genetically modified (GM) plants, plant material, seeds and animals

Draft amendments to the Federal Law of 21 March 2003 relating to Non-human Gene Technology; 2 pages, available in German, French and Italian

Switzerland has adopted in a public voting in November 2005 a moratorium on the culti-vation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Switzerland. This moratorium, intro-duced for a first period until 27 November 2010, was renewed until 27 November 2013, and then for a second time until 31 December 2017.

There are two reasons for the present modification of the Federal Non-Human Gene Technology Law. In the first place, it aims to extend the moratorium for a new period of four years due to the uncertainty that persists concerning mandatory coexistence be-tween GMOs and no-GMOs. According to art. 37a, “licenses for placing on the market of genetically modified plants and parts thereof, of genetically modified seeds and other reproductive plant material, and of genetically modified animals shall not be granted for agricultural, horticultural or sylvicultural purposes for the period until 31 December 2021”.

The moratorium does not cover research activities (including field releases of GM plants, authorized and supervised by the competent authorities) with GMOs nor the placing on the market of food, feed, drugs, etc. consisting of or containing GMOs.

In a second place, it consists of technical modifications, which are not TBT relevant. With these changes the environmental GMOs monitoring system has an adequate legal basis in the law with administrative sanctions in case of non-compliance.

In a second place, it consists of technical modifications, which are not tbt relevant. It is a better rooting of the environmental GMOs monitoring system, with a legal basis firmly fixed in the law and administrative sanctions in case of non-observance