CZ Tschechische Republik

Infant formulae and follow-on formulae, processed food, baby food, food for special medical purposes, food intended as a total diet replacement, lactose-free food and food with a reduced lactose content – adaptation to EU legislation, requirements for placing them on the market, additional labelling requirements

Draft implementing decree amending Implementing Decree No 54/2004 on foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and the method of their use, as amended

This draft follows from the statutory authorisation under § 19(1)(c) of the Foodstuffs Act, according to which further requirements on foods intended for particular nutritional uses, the requirements on their composition and the method of their use are to be laid down by the Ministry of Health in an implementing decree. This implementing decree adapts national legislation to EU legislation – Regulation (EU) Nos 609/2013 and No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Beyond the framework of this EU legislation, the requirements on lactose-free food and food with a reduced lactose content and requirements on baby food will be laid down.

Keywords: infant formulae and follow-on formulae,

processed food,

baby food,

food for special medical purposes,

food intended as a total diet replacement,

lactose-free food,

food with a reduced lactose content.