NL Niederlande

Automated information systems.

Documents about certain registration objects such as soil surveys and groundwater monitoring wells must be provided in order for soil data to be entered in a basic soil register.

Order laying down rules with respect to the Basic Soil Register (Basic Soil Register Order)

The draft Basic Soil Register Order contains rules for the implementation of the Basic Soil Register Act [Wet basisregistratie ondergrond]. This act provides for the creation of a basic register for soil, consisting of a digital map with detailed information about the soil in the Netherlands. On the basis of this act, the source holders designated therein are required to submit certain soil data (of certain registration objects) for inclusion in the basic register. This first phase is specifically concerned with the registration objects of geotechnical probe surveys, soil surveys (specifically pedological descriptions of drilling samples) and groundwater monitoring wells.

This order designates the data catalogue that describes the manner in which the information is to be provided. The draft order contains, in Articles 2, 7 and 8 in conjunction with the associated Annexes I and II, rules describing the structure of the Basic Soil Register. These rules may constitute technical regulations. These are:

- a system specification including a standard for electronic messaging between source holders and the national basic register facility (Article 2 and Annex I to the order); the standard defines the different types of messages as well as their content and technical structure;

- the data catalogue for the data to be entered in the Basic Soil Register (Article 7 and Annex II to the order);

- the manner in which access is granted and information is provided, and therefore which information is visible and in which manner; citizens and businesses may use either web services or accessible (service desk) facilities that can be easily accessed via the Internet (Article 8 in conjunction with Annex II and the INSPIRE Directive).

Article 11 of the draft order is a mutual recognition clause.