ES Spanien

Only concerns walnuts from the area defined in the Regulation on the use of the ‘Nueces de Nerpio’ collective mark (the ‘Regulation’) that meet the requirements therein and wish to use said mark.

Resolution of [date] [month] 2017 of the Regional Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development to recognise the ‘Nueces de Nerpio’ [Nerpio Walnuts] collective mark, owned by the Association for the Promotion of Nerpio Walnuts, as an agri-food quality mark.

Recognition of this collective mark as a Castile-La Mancha Differentiated Quality Mark, and publication of the Regulation, registered with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. The Regulation lays down the following:

i) The production area is located in the province of Albacete and comprises the municipalities stated in Annex III to the Regulation.

ii) Requirements in terms of specific characteristics and quality of the final product exceeding standard levels.

iii) The mark may be used by all producers complying with the requirements in the Regulation. Checks shall be performed by a control body authorised by the Regional Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development.