DE Deutschland

Technical devices for the implementation of measures for monitoring telecommunications and disclosing information in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany

Ordinance amending the Telecommunications Surveillance Ordinance [TKÜV]

Most of the amendments involve the inclusion of requirements for measures on the disclosure of information on telecommunications traffic data (new Part 4), which are necessary under the Act of 10 December 2015 introducing a storage obligation and a maximum retention period for traffic data (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2218). Editorial changes have also been made to take account of the amendment to the Federal Criminal Police Office Act [BKAG] by the Act of 25 December 2008 on prevention by the Federal Criminal Police Office of threats from international terrorism [BKATerrAbwG] (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 3083) and the proposed amendment to the Act on the Federal Intelligence Service [BNDG] by the draft Act on foreign-to-foreign communications intelligence by the Federal Intelligence Service [Gesetz zur Ausland-Ausland-Fernmeldeaufklärung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes], which is currently being discussed in parliament (Bundestag document No 18/9041). A number of other editorial changes have also been made to improve the clarity of the Ordinance and to streamline the text, particularly by deleting obsolete regulations.